The Susan Wakil Fellowship

What have you done lately for the world?

The Susan Wakil Fellowship is an unparalleled student leadership program. The Fellowship provides a nurturing platform for Jewish students to learn how to make an impact upon the issues that are being felt by their fellow students and fellow Australians.

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Only half of young Australians aged 15-25 think they have a handle on managing their finances (Findex 2021). 50% of Aussies aged 15-25 say they have limited to no recollection of any formal financial education at school (Ibid. 2021).

With an increasingly uncertain economic landscape, young Australians are ill-equipped to secure their financial futures.

Each week we’ll address a different finance topic on social media (think: investing, super, tax, budgeting, saving, banking etc.). We’ll provide both general information and practical tips.